
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Millie's blanket - a few more squares!

Well, I've been knitting like a demon for the past week or so, even taking it to the pre-school where I work to do while I'm watching the kids. They're fascinated by knitting and stand watching for ages!!! Better than TV! Here are a couple more squares.

The first one is a basketweave. I don't really like doing this stitch but it looks great and is an old favourite with blanket knitters. Came out quite well, so not much room for complaint.

Third one I've done is a heart motif. I love this one! Came out really well in the dark pink and Millie is very girlie and loves hearts so I know she'll love it too. May do another one but in reverse st st. Made the motif up myself so doubly pleased with the result! UPDATE: Have dropped the heart square as it just didn't fit in with the rest....

This one I've called Posh Bricks - I don't know why tho, the name just came to me in a flash of inspiration! Easy pattern and very effective.

Need to take some more pics now of the other squares I've finished.....

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Your amazing at knitting! How I wish I could knit. It's the one craft that I cannot seem to improve at - no matter how much I practice. My tension just goes squiffy!

    I'll have to content myself with drooling over yours!

    I've signed up to follow you! Will you posting again?



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