
Friday, October 21, 2011

My Garden In October...

Took a few pics today of my garden. A little windy so not as sharp as I'd like but it gives you an idea of what's growing right now......

My beloved Bottle Brush (not good at botanical names so please don't ask me.....). We had one of these in the UK but it never grew this big.
Here she is in all her glory! We have to lob the top off when she's finished flowering otherwise she'd take the roof off!!!

Next is a jasmine we planted two years ago against a pergola that hubby built. It didn't do anything for AGES but suddenly this year it's really taken off.....

Another favourite of mine, the graceful Iris.....

Here is an Azalea that we didn't even know we had! We cleared this area in autumn last year and discovered this growing inside a clump of weeds! Now she has come into her own again....

Next is my raised bed strawberry patch. Excuse the fruit cage netting but the Hadedas (Ibis) are particularly fond of my veg patch.....

And finally my little square foot veg patch. My first experiment in veg growing so we'll see what transpires. I've probably done it all wrong but it looks great!!!!

Left three squares from top: cabbage ; carrots ; spinach
Centre three squares from top: peppers ; carrots ; leeks
Right three squares from top: peppers ; carrots ; leeks

That's my garden in October!!!


  1. I love the Bottle Brush (I have one too) and your Irises and Azalea look fabulous!

  2. [This is possibly a repeat comment, since my first one seems to have disappeared]
    That Square Foot gardening method is a great way to get started on veg-gardening, but I suspect it won't be long before you want something bigger.
    P.S. My Gadgets re-appeared of their own volition (or probably Google's)...

  3. My garden is cold today. it's nice to see yours coming on so well. Gardens and Knitting! We have a lot in common just not at the same time of year, but I can see your climate is warmer than mine.

  4. Oh I love that you are just coming into summer now that we are coming out of it! Everything looks'll have to let us know how you like the sq. ft gardening!


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