
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How was your Christmas.......

I have to say that this Christmas has been the most relaxed, the most laid back and the most stress-free Christmas I've ever known. Largely due to the fact that unlike past festive seasons, we decided this year to spend the day completely on our own, just the four of us - the first time ever since J and I married 17 years ago! And what a joy it was!

Admittedly, Big A (he's 12 now and refuses to be called Little A anymore...) and Little D crept into our bedroom just after 5am and whispered 'We think we need to have a look in the lounge.....' to which they were greeted with a grunt from DH and a sigh from me ... 'No really, it's a little early guys - maybe go back to bed until your clocks say 6....' But despite that, by 5.30am we were all  'having a look in the lounge'!!!

DH and I lay on the sofa whilst the boys ripped off paper and squealed with delight, as my gorgeous children do even when disappointed ... 'Hey it's not quite what I wanted but Santa did his best!!!' ..... and although I attempted to take pics of their enthusiasm, it was all over so quickly and my brain hadn't yet caught up with my body so the pics didn't come out too well.....sigh.....never mind. They were happy so I was happy.....

The day was hot and sultry (as December days in Africa so often are) so instead of the traditional Christmas fare we opted for a braai (a BBQ to those of you overseas). Boerewors (spicy sausage) and burgers for the kids over an open fire together with a few salads and crusty rolls. DH and I made the boys two new garden swings in the afternoon and the day ended with all of us lazing around watch TV and generally being idle and indulgent......what a pleasure.

Possibly a 'boring' Christmas Day for some people but having our own business that we run ourselves for 364 days a year, this was one day that the four of us could be together ALL day and that was very very special to me......

I hope your day was as wonderful as mine. x


  1. Sounds good to me! We had a similarly low-key Christmas Day for once. This time it was just Jane and myself with our older daughter Emma, her husband Dave and their toddler Lara. Much less stressful than normal.

  2. Glad you had a restful Christmas Day! :)

  3. Hi Laura! I'm so glad that you popped over to my blog, because now I have found yours! Thanks you so much for the kind words about the Beautiful Blogger Blanket of 2012.. who would have thought that my funny idea would end up inspiring someone in South Africa to crochet a square or two! I can't wait to receive them - they look gorgeous! I will link to them on the blog later today....If everyone else's squares are as lovely the BBB 2012 will be very special! Happy new year to you and yours... I'll be here in the new year :)x

  4. Nope doesn't sound boring to me, sounds lovely. We had a frantic but enjoyable Christmas visiting relatives all over the place. Best wishes for the New Year.


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