
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Winter's/Summer's Tale.....

It's nearly Christmas and back in the UK it's mid Winter but here it's mid Summer!!! I still can't get my head around Christmas in mid Summer!!! However, the area where we live is very temperate and sometimes we swim on Christmas Day and other years we light a fire in the living room and it's all very English ....

On the hooky front, remember these?

Well, last night they turned into these...

They're for Jill at who is putting together the Beautiful Blogger Blanket 2012. I have two more to make before I can post them off to her but I'm pretty pleased with these so far. What do you think?

On the gardening front, this was my view from my front door at 8am this morning....

It's now 11.15am and it's nearly 30 degrees C!!!! It's going to be a hot one today. I hope my garden will survive until I water this evening....

I hope you have a wonderful day, wherever you may be ......


  1. Beautiful crochet work. And so quick too!

  2. Thank you so much for visiting today Laura! I wish you a wonderful Christmas and the very best for the coming year :)


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