
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Not My Greatest Week....

Hi there....
This is very short and sweet today as I've had a really horrid week. My Grandfather passed away very suddenly and I've travelled to Johannesburg and back this week for the funeral. Very sad and very emotional. As a result I haven't managed to put together a post so huge apologies......
Please be patient - normal service will resume shortly.


  1. Hi Laura :) I just found you via Cuteasabutton. I am so sorry to hear of the sudden sad loss of your grandfather. I hope your and your family's hearts heal soon ;)
    I'm off to have a wee lookie-see around your blog now :D
    Best Wishes

  2. May he rest in peace Laura ...
    Don't be in a hurry...we will wait for you and your lovely posts as long as you want :)
    Big kisses to you

  3. I'm very sorry to hear you extremely sad news. My thoughts are with you and your family. Take some time with your prescious memories. You may no longer be able to touch or see you grandfather but memories last a lifetime and they can never be taken from you. That is something I think of regular as I lost my precious grandad at Christmas.

    All the bet Laura & sending you a hug x

  4. Hi Laura... I'm so sorry to hear that your Grandfather has passed away...I hope you and your family are coping okay.
    I only ever knew one of my Grandfathers and he died when I was three but I have very strong memories of him... he had a false leg which was made of metal with big holes in to make it lighter... I would be given a spoon to clang around in the holes to keep my happy!
    You were very lucky to have your Grandfather for so long...not that it helps I know.... Don't worry about bloggyland.. we will all be here when you feel like visiting can't get rid of us that easily!

    Big hugs to you Laura... Jill x

  5. I offer my sympathy too, Laura. Unfortunately we all have to go sometime, so I suppose we ought to make the most of our limited span of existence. I have an idea: plant a tree in memory of your Granddad. You will remember him better that way - especially if it is a tree that flowers at this time of year.


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