
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Other Things I've Done...

Although my current passion is for crochet, during my 20s and 30s I did mostly knitting and cross stitch. I lived in Brighton in England during this time and there was a fabulous craft shop in The Lanes which I used to visit almost every lunch hour. It was a small shop but absolutely crammed with all things crafty. A veritable crafter's paradise. The lady who owned this shop was crazy about cross stitch and it was through her that I started on My Cross Stitch Years. The photo feast below are some of the canvases that I did although many others went to friends as gifts. You'll see a heavy African influence and I think this was because I was away from African soil at the time and I missed it very much. There is also a native American Indian influence and this is because that particular culture have always fascinated me. I hope you like what I've done and if you've never tried cross stitch, give it a go. It really is like painting with cotton.

Here we go then. The first three are of an Iris flower. I did this originally as a 50th birthday present for a lady that I worked with whose name was Iris.  I liked it so much that I did this one for myself!

A couple of close ups......

The next four are all wildlife patterns. The tiger is technically not African but the colours were so beautiful, I just couldn't resist!

This next one is based on patterns from William Morris (one of my favourite designers). Both of these hang above our bed.

I have a love for sunflowers as you can see......

And the colours in these nasturtiums cheer me up every single day.....

And now for the native Americans....first the Squaw....

and then her father .... the Chief....

I love his face so much. Such inner wisdom.
Til soon.


  1. Oh Laura! They are beautiful...a real work of art! and you're so patient so very patient wow! :) Oh my! comparing to my cross stitch, yours are sooo much full of colors and details :) a treasure to keep!
    Happy Easter to you and your family!

    1. Thank you Angie. I am very proud of them but don't think I'll ever do one again. Happy Easter!!! xxx

  2. Very nice! My wife and one of my daughters used to do a lot of cross-stitch, so I am familiar with the technique. I love your Nasturtiums one. Really vibrant colours.

    1. Thanks Mark. There is another one that pairs the nasturtiums (I think it's lilies) but I haven't the heart to do it. Maybe one day..... x

  3. Laura you are very talented the above pictures are amazing! :)

  4. Wow - they are amazing! There must have been a lot of work involved in those.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger


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