
Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Now I'm not usually a fan of putting myself under too much pressure - in fact, I don't handle pressure at all although as a preschool teacher people are often surprised when I say this. Looking after 15 three year olds every day for 5-7 hours can be stressful but it's not quite the same as setting myself goals that I may or may not reach!

BUT I've decided to take the plunge and join Carole's One-A-Day Project. BTW, Carole is truly delightful and her blog is a treat so do pop over and visit. You can find her at Gingerbread Girl.

So, what is my one-a-day going to be????? Miles of miles of rippling rows? Always tempting but no, not this time. How about gorgeous grannies? No, not this time either. Let me put you out of your misery cos I know you're dying to know....... remember these?

Well, they kind of got dumped laid very carefully in a work basket and forgotten about allowed to rest for a while. Then, when I saw Carole's project post they literally leapt into my brain and I knew what they could look like with a little tweaking. I knew I wanted a blanket ultimately but they weren't looking right but now there's a whole lot of this going on in my house......

and this ....

and this.....

and this .....

and most definitely THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the blanket I want I reckon I need around 66 hexies and I've got about 23 so I've got some way to go. One-a-day and I should get there in about 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!

So if you fancy a challenge and a little pressure, why don't you join us?? Pop over to Carole and sign on the dotted line...........!

Til soon.


  1. Hahaha, this post made me giggle. You'll get there way before 2015 and the end result will be stunning!

  2. Very nice! I am glad you got inspired to begin anew.

  3. love this post. lovely hexagons and look forward to seeing the results very soon (not 2015)
    shelley x

  4. Hooray for taking the plunge! Looking foreword to seeing your progress :)

  5. Fun, fun, fun. Glad to see you join us. It is a great group.

  6. Almost there! Going to look lovely. I'm going to pour myself a cup of rooibos now-now to do my daily square.

  7. I love hexagons, thanks for joining in too.

  8. Great idea Laura.

    And yours are looking fabulous.

    So, with the one a day, is anything, or is it all hexagons?


    1. Hi Fi - As far as I know it's anything! Any WIP that you've had hanging around for a while and need to get finished. You know, those projects that nag at you from across the room.....! xxx


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