
Friday, August 24, 2012

WIP Update and Running!!!!

Sorry it's been a while...... Things have been pretty hectic around here what with preschool, hockey matches,   junior school plays and the general running around that mums have to do! In amongst all of that a dear friend of mine had a stroke last week and she's only 45!!! Very scary......

Anyway, here's what I've been up to in the few quiet moments that I've had recently. Firstly, remember these lovely things that darling Shelley from all4meggymoo sent me a while ago???

Well, I have procrastinated and pondered, dithered and doodled for weeks and weeks. I've knitted and I've frogged and hooked and ripped until I didn't know whether I was coming or going! You know when you just can't decide on a project, when the yarn is sooooo gorgeous and sooooo beautiful that you want only the most perfect thing to create with it? That's where I was. Eventually tho I put it away and left it for a couple of days then out it came again..... I put a hook in my hand and just went for it and this shawl/wrap is what's emerging.....

It's a very basic pattern (trebles only) but it seems to be creating itself. I can't tell you how thrilled I am because it's like the yarn is deciding what it wants to be without any input from me. It's been so easy too. No  frogging, no mess ups, no nothing. Just hooking merrily away and growing slowly and steadily which I love. I know it's going to be beautiful and I can't tell you how soft this yarn is. It's going to be like wrapping myself in a cloud.... thank you Shelley soooooo much.

On another hooky note, a close friend commented the other day on a crochet blanket I'd made for the preschool where I work .....

It was made of odds and sods and the kids love it! My friend was admiring it and said how much she loved the colours and the whole vintage feel of it so I decided to make her a vintage crochet blanket all of her own. Here's what I've done so far.....

What do you think? Will she like it??? I hope so. It's going to be a giant granny square and I'll just keep going round and round until I'm fed up with it. At the moment I'm totally besotted and could happily do it all day every day! Do you like it?

This week was also quite momentous as I started a running program!!! I've always wanted to run and have tried before but it's never worked out for one reason or another. This time my hubby (he's soooo clever) found a program on the internet where you download podcasts for each week of your training. The podcasts are like having your own personal trainer with you and it guides you through your run with music. The music has the right rhythm for you to run / walk to and they tell you exactly when to run and when to walk. It's more of a jog for me at the moment (no-one could ever describe it as running!) but I'M DOING IT!!!! If you're interested in joining me and want to get fit (they reckon you'll be running 5kms in 9 weeks) then look at this link Couch to 5km - please let me know if you're using it - maybe I'll start a forum somewhere!!!!

Anyway, that's me for now. Hope you're well and enjoying the Summer/Winter wherever you are!!!
Til soon.


  1. what lovely hooky projects! That scarf will, just as you say, be like a soft cloud round your neck - fabulous! And the delight of a project that just works in the making almost by itself is unbeatable so you will be hooking that delight into each stitch! Love your blankets, both the one you made for the children - so bright and colourful and the new one you are making - such a good idea for using up oddments of yarn. Yes, your friend will love it! Hope the friend who suffered a stroke at 45 is / will be OK. What a dreadful thing to happen. E x

    1. Thanks Elizabeth - she's doing good but is very weak and shaky. No paralysis so far but neurosurgeon says it could still happen! Quite common apparently in women aged between 40 and 50. Must be the stresses of modern life!!! xxx

  2. One of my daughters is a fanatical runner. She is into Marathons and 30ks now, as well as some crazy mountain running stuff! That's what you have to look forward to...

    1. Oh Mark I can always rely on you to give it to me straight!!! I'll let you know if I get into mountain running but please shoot me in the head if I EVER talk about doing a 30k marathon!!!! lol x

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog Laura and your lovely message!! So glad I inspired you to knit a cardigan like mine. Where in the Natal Midlands do you live. My son is going to Treverton school next year. That's near Mooi River. I live in Dundee Northern KZN. Good luck with the running. I love running (by no means a pro), I have been down with a flu bug this past week and haven't run at all. Hope it hasn't set me back too much. Enjoy the long weekend!!


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