
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Daisy Cardigan - Ta Dah!!!!

Hello there!! Long time no see.....I know, I know but there you are. Busy little bee and no time to blog but I'm here now and that's the important thing. Even more important is that I have a Ta Dah for you!!!

What do you think?

I made it for the 2 year old daughter of a friend of mine and I used Elle Premier Natural Cotton in rose and grey which I love. The combination came out really well. A kind of vintage old fashioned look with a hint of romance and a smattering of sheen........

Have a look at the picot edging.....

Isn't it gorgeous?  Here's the sleeve edging....

It was a wonderful pattern. A freebie from Ravelry. Here's the link to the Daisy Cardigan pattern. It's by Marie Grace Smith and was very simple. It's top down on circular needles and was my first top down project so it was extra special to get it right first time!!! I'm in love with top down knitting now and intend to do many many garments this way. I love the way you can try it on as you go to make sure it fits and feels just right. Perfect.

There's an adult version of the Daisy Cardigan too. It's called the Lily Cardigan.....

Here's the link to the Lily Cardigan - it may well be my next project. Kinda like that colour too......

Anyway, that's me for now.
Til soon.


  1. Awe what a gorgeous cardigan, I love the adult version too.
    I hope you are well Laura.
    Shelley x

  2. Laura, it's beautiful! Love the rose and grey combo and the darling picot edges - the whole pattern is delightful. Now how easy is "top down" knitting? That adult cardigan looks like exactly the kind of thing I wear but I am not sure my knitting is up to it! For which read, "unless manageable by an extremely novice knitter will be out of my league"! Sad but true! Looking forward to seeing yours though from your much professional needles and yes, that colour is great - go for it! E x

  3. WOW Laura it's GORGEOUS!!! I love the colours and that yarn too. Your friend must LOVE you so much for this little beauty. Thanks so much for enterting the Made It..SOOOOO HAPPY YOU DID! xxx

  4. Stunning! I love knitting and crocheting with cotton, too.

  5. That's so pretty, thanks for the link to the pattern, just need to find a little lady to make it for now :-)

  6. These are gorgeous. Wish I could knit! xx

  7. So, so beautiful. No wonder you want one in your size, I would too :) Thanks for popping by and leaving me a lovely comment. The paraffin lamp sounds like exactly what I need!

    S x

  8. OMG, that's my next sweater, too, I think. Love it. LOVE. What a sweet baby version you've made, too--that lacy edging is delish. :)


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