
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Looking back.....

I always find it so heartening in January of each year to look back over the previous twelve months to see exactly what happened and when. Very often I find myself thinking that I didn't achieve very much or that the year flew by without me being able to take breath so a little review reminds me both of my achievements, and also of events that took place that I may have forgotten about, both good and bad.....

On the creative front I had thought that 2012 was a bit of a wasted opportunity for me.  I seemed to plan many projects but actually finish very few. There was alot of starting but not completing, knitting and then frogging, hooking and then abandoning. Sad, but true. However, when I did look back over my blog posts for the year I was pleasantly surprised. Here's what I did manage to finish....

Some squares for Jill for her Beautiful Blogger Blanket 2012

Some veggie growing...

Some cushions.....

Some blankets......

Some jerseys......

And some other bits and bobs....

So, not really such a bad haul after all! I was suitably proud of myself. 

On a personal note, 2012 will always be remembered for the year that both J and I lost our Dads. Two very different men but both equally loved. ♥ ♥

And as for 2013 well, I have lots and lots of plans - things to make, things to do, places to go and stuff to see. An endless list of books to read and movies to watch.... Now all I have to do is find the time. Anyone got a Time Turner?????

Happy New to you all. May all your dreams come true.....
Til soon.


  1. Lovely to see all your projects together - makes your own personal style and colour sense really stand out. So sorry 2012 was the year of losing two close people for you. Life, it seems, is always this mix of the poignant and the happy. I hope 2013 will be a wonderful year for you and yours. E x

  2. I think you have achieved a great deal in 2012, heres to achieving more in 2013!
    happy new year Laura.
    Shelley x

  3. Can't wait to see what new creative projects you have in store!!

  4. Happy New Year, Laura! Hope you'll have time for some gardening in amongst all your craft work.

  5. I love those socks. I'm a size 8 and would be very happy to be your next project in 2013. Just putting it out there, LOL.


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