
Sunday, May 19, 2013

What do you think?

I'm planning to restyle our living room and I need your help. I have four different accent colour schemes in mind and I can't decide which one to go for. We have a biscuit coloured lounge suite (3 seater sofa and two squishy armchairs) and lots of African art on the walls - mainly animals but following a distinctly 'natural' colour scheme (browns, creams, oranges etc). Think sunsets and the african bush.

I've done some collages of the different colour schemes and need your help to decide which one you think would fit best. I have my favourite but am interested for other opinions.

Here goes. The first one is my Duck Egg scheme. I LOVE duck egg blue. Doesn't really go with the whole 'Africa' thing but it's the colour of the sky and we have sky here....LOTS of sky.....

My second scheme is Glorious Green. My favourite colour is green so I guess this is a natural choice for me.

My third choice is Berry Red. I really like brown and red together but am worried that during our very hot summers this scheme will make the room too warm. Could be good as a winter scheme though...

And finally we have the Spicy Orange scheme! Hubby loves orange so this one was really for him but now it's together I really love it too! What do you think?

Am knitting and hooking as usual but have nothing as yet to show for my efforts. Thanks for stopping by!
Til soon.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A labour of love....

A while ago you may have read my post about a commission that a friend of mine had given me to knit her a cable jersey. This was the pattern

Yes, I said, of course I can make it for you!!!!! And make it I did. Here it is:

Please excuse the sun dappled pic but it's late afternoon and my bedroom has the best natural light albeit a bit glary!!! Here's a pic with the curtains closed which shows up the cables a little better.

It's taken me just over two months to knit and whilst I love doing cable work, I have to say that this one was heavy going. My fingers took some strain as there were just SO MANY cables in the pattern! The sleeves were slightly easier but still mind-blowingly weighty! It felt like I was wading through deep mud whilst climbing a very steep hill! Still, I struggled on and finally finished it earlier this week.

Here's some close ups of the cables

And one last sun blasted look before I hand it over this evening....

I do like it, I really do. I just hope she does too.
Til soon.