
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Half way through.....

Well, here we are half way through the year and it just so happens that I'm half way through 3 WIPs! Do you want to see?

First up is my reknit for a family member. Frogged an old sweater and am reknitting 2 sizes smaller (he's lost some weight don't you know...). I've finished the back and am almost done with the front -

It's looking a little skinny at the moment but I'm hoping with some blocking (and serious stretching!) it will be ok. I measured it against hubby and it seemed fine on him so here's hoping....

No 2 WIP is a shawl I'm knitting for myself. As you can see, I'm not really halfway through it but it grows pretty fast so I'm sure halfway isn't too far in the distance.

My final WIP is a sweater for me in a gorgeous grey/brown aran yarn. I started this a few weeks ago but the cable adventure above and my shawl have taken over somewhat so Smithfield keeps getting shoved to the bottom of the workbasket.

It's a top down pattern and this is the collar - looks a little skinny too but the yarn is quite stretchy and I've pulled it over my head more than once just to check! In the pic the yarn looks more grey than brown but it's both all flecked together. 

So that's my WIPs for now. I really hope to have some finished things to show you in my next post so pop back when you can!

Til soon....


  1. Wow that's some nice wips you have on the go. I love the purple shawl. You should link up to the weekend wip along on my blog honey.

  2. Lovely WIPs happening, Laura! That purple shawl is beautiful.


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