
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Another Award and Blog Love......

Oh my. Both Jill  and Shelley have nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award! I'm feeling very humble and very grateful because I never would've imagined that my little blog would get 2 awards in its first six months!!! I'm thrilled to think that so many wonderful, special, thoughtful, generous, caring and kind folk think enough of what I write to stop by on a regular basis... Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So now it's my turn to share some blog love......

Here are the rules:

1) Add the award to your blog.
Well, I've done that and like Jill I have to say that I LOVE the colour! I'm definitely a 'green' person and lime or bright green is my absolute bestest shade!

2) Thank the blogger who gave it to you!
 HUGE thank you's to Jill and Shelley !!!!

3) Mention 7 random things about yourself.
Mmmmm....let's see.......

(1) I have an autistic son aged 12 who lights up my world every single day with his smile.

(2) I have another boy (Little D) aged 7 going on 17 who fills my heart with joy with his wonderful hugs and cuddles.

(3) I have a wonderful husband who knows me better than I know myself!

(4) I have a passion for wine gums.

(5) I LOVE historical TV dramas.

(6) I would love to be able to play the piano.

(7) In my next life I WILL marry Johnny Depp.......

4) List the Rules.
I think I'm doing this now.....

5) Pass this award onto 15 other bloggers.
This is easier said than done. I subscribe to a zillion blogs all of which I would want to give an award to but if I have to strike it down to 15 then these are they! These are some of the blogs that quite literally make the sun shine for me and fill my day with inspiration, quiet crafty giggles and loads of blog love!!!!

I think that some of them have already had the award so I don't expect them to re-give again but the rest I look forward to seeing their nominations. Here you are then, you lovely bunch of bloggers!

p.s. I haven't put Jill or Shelley as they both awarded me but I think they're both truly FAB!!!!
p.p.s. My nominations are in no particular order....

Kristen of Cozy Made Things
Michelle of The Royal Sisters
Mari-Ann of Counting Coconuts
Cath of Clicky Needles
Victoria of Yarn Round Hook
Mark of Marks Veg Plot
Faith of Faith
Debbie of Serendipidity
Happy of Happy Loves Rosie
Angie of Lemondedesucrette
Kate of Greedy For Colour
Veggiegobbler of Veggie Gobbler
Karrie of Knit Purl Gurl
Glenna of Crazy Knitting Lady
Heidi of Heidi Bears

6) Inform these bloggers of their award by leaving a comment on their blog.
I'm off to do that now so once again I say a huge THANK YOU for this award! It means so much to me because I've found a whole new world in blogland full of like minded people who have made me realise that I'm not strange to love crochet and knitting and I'm not the only person in the world that talks to herself......

Til next time......


  1. Oh, thank you so much, Laura! You are very kind, and I am in wonderful company. :)

  2. Hi Laura. Thanks so much for the award. I hope you don't mind if I pass as I always find it difficult to choose between the many wonderful blogs to pass it on to! Looks like you live in a beautiful part of the world! xx

  3. Hi Laura; congratulations on more well-deserved recognition! Your blog is indeed versatile... And thanks very much for thinking of me as one of your 15. Much appreciated.

  4. well deserved award too.
    I love your facts they are brilliant.

  5. It is always such a huge pleasure to receive an award :) Thank you sooooo much Laura! I am very happy that you thinked about my little blog :)You made my day!

  6. Congratulations Laura. And thank you for nominating me. I have already received this award so I won't be passing it on but I do appreciate very much being nominated. I just read your pineapple post. Ha! I was thinking you were a bit bonkers at first :) but then I started contemplating decorating my own tins.

  7. So well deserved L..and I do love your 7 facts about you...looks like your life is full of love and loving... and I love wine gums too...hey what about GREEN WINE GUMS...ha ha...perfect! I'm so glad I found your blog :0x


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