
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Once I was a pineapple tin ....

OK, so not having the internet at home has meant that I've had time to do other stuff. Really important stuff. Really really important stuff I promise.... Like making crochet covers for my used pineapple tins!!! No really, you didn't read that incorrectly cos that's exactly what I've been doing. World changing...probably not but important to me? Very.

And it's all Lucy's fault. You know Lucy. That wildly imaginative person over at Attic24. Well, I saw her post on her tuna tins last week (see here) and I thought 'Well, why not?'  I mean we ALL have tins at home ready for recycling and I had just the little plant that needed a cover for it's rather ugly pot. So I dug around in my recycling bucket and found a pineapple tin that fitted the plant pot perfectly!!! Our pineapple tins have a pull ring so there were no little metal bits that could rip my fingers off! I got crocheting and 15 minutes (I kid you not!) I had this ....

Is she not the cutest thing ever? So wonderfully colourful and bright and cheerful. I know my little plant loves it - don't ask me how I know I just do!!!! And the cow clock that sits beside her on my kitchen window sill loves it too.....

You must excuse my preference for all things tacky .... it's a weakness of


  1. I love it Laure. Your plant looks so sung and happy in that lovely cover.

  2. Not tacky Laura.. vintage chic! Love the pineapple tin cover, I saw Lucy's post too and almost...only almost... got started on one, but NO! It's the Beautiful Blogger Blanket for me until at least the end of February :)Hope you are having a lovely Sunday :)x

  3. Laura. I have nominated you for an award.

  4. Hi Laura... Well, Shelley beat me to it, but I can't see anything in the rules to say that you can't get the Versatile Blogger Award more than I awarded it to you too! Pop over to my blog to pick it (and the rules) up.. :)x


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